The Niagara Falls
situated on Niagara river. Niagara Falls are
divided by two main sections. It separated by a Island named Goat Island.The
major sections are HorseshoeFalls and American falls. The Horseshoe Falls situated on the Canadian side and American Falls on
American side.The Luna Island also separate another American smaller Bridal Veil Falls
from the main falls.

Now in canadian side Sir Adam Beck 1
and 2 are the most powerful hydroelectric station on the Niagara River. On the
other hand Robert Moses Niagara Power Plant and the Lewiston Pump Generating
Plant are the powerful station on the American side. Generally Canadian and American
power ststions can produce 4.4 gigawatts of power.

In American side a floodlights tower is situated.
The visitors can easily visit the Falls by walking Prospect Point Park observation tower. From the Goat Island visitors can watch more by foot,
bridge avobe the American Falls. There are many ways to make enjoy.
From the Queen Victoria park one can
visit the Niagara Falls of Canadian side. Visitors can easily observ the
Niagara Falls from the skylon Tower. Visitor can visit-
2.Welland canal
5.Niagara Scow.
Finally Niagara falls is really
attractive places. Every year Lot’s of visitor gather there to make enjoy.