sundorbon is famous and longest mangrove forest in the world. The forest stretchers over Bangladesh and India. Bangladesh is famous for its two gifts of nature. sundorbon is one of this two. The area of sundorbon in Bangladesh is 6017sq km of which 4143 square km are landless and remaning 1874 square km are under water bodies.It is situtate in the district of greater khulna of Bangladesh. sundorbon is famous for its beauty. Its biodiversity is very strong. It is a popular tourist spot. It is also famous for photografy. millions of south western region people depends on sundorbon.It helps to save tho whole country from various natural calamities like sidr, aila etc.
Royalbengal tiger, deer, manky, snaks is the main animal of sundorbon.All over the world, Royalbengal tiger is famous for its threat of extinction. more than 300 Royalbengal tiger is in there.getting to see the Royalbengal tiger in sundorbon is rare oppourtunity.
various tress, birds, animals, snakes, rivers etc are the main attraction of the forest. sundor, garan, gaya, goalpata, babla, raj koroy trees are available here. It makes the forest green.It creat great attraction.
spotted deers are another attraction of the forest. according to UNESCO more than 30,000 spotted deers are available in sundorbon. various type of birds is in there. In specific season siberian ducks are gather here. monkey, snake, crocodiles are available here.
wildlife photography including photography of royalbengal tiger, natural study, meeting fishermen, wildlife viewing, boating inside the forest will call recordings, meeting fishermen, wood-cutters and honey-collectors, space and teanquility in the wilderness, seeing the worlds largest mangrove forest and the riverine beauty.
Tourist spots of sundotbon
sundorbon is very attractive and interesting place for tourist. It also plentyful for a number of unoccupied time for reaserch and travel activities. It is a suitable place for photography. The main attractives of Sunderban are Hiroin point, Kotka, Dublar char, Tinkona islands.
Hironpoint: Tiger,Monkey,corcodilels,deer,birds are available here. It is a famous place.
Dublar char: Dublar char is very attractive island. fisheeman catches fish from this place.
kotaka: kotaka isfamous for mankeys,birds,tiger,deers etc. November to march is the best time for visit sundorbon. All kinds of transport system is not available can visit sundorbon by using water transport from mongla to hironpoint. Only mongla authority rent speeds boats, privet motor launch for the purpose. visitors from Dhaka can travel by air, rocket steamer to khulna the gat way to visir sundorbon.
Tourist spots of sundotbon

Hironpoint: Tiger,Monkey,corcodilels,deer,birds are available here. It is a famous place.
Dublar char: Dublar char is very attractive island. fisheeman catches fish from this place.
kotaka: kotaka isfamous for mankeys,birds,tiger,deers etc. November to march is the best time for visit sundorbon. All kinds of transport system is not available can visit sundorbon by using water transport from mongla to hironpoint. Only mongla authority rent speeds boats, privet motor launch for the purpose. visitors from Dhaka can travel by air, rocket steamer to khulna the gat way to visir sundorbon.
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